- 1. Learn about the services and resources available to you and your loved one. This can include information on financial assistance, respite care, and support groups.
- 2. Get in touch with local carer organizations for advice and support. They can provide information on benefits, services, and other support.
- 3. Reach out to your GP, they will be able to provide you with a carer's assessment which will identify any additional support you may need.
- 4. Make sure you take care of yourself and prioritise self-care. This can include things like exercise, socializing, and hobbies, as well as getting enough rest and eating well.
- 5. Join a support group for carers, where you can connect with others who understand what you're going through and offer support and advice.
- 6. Try to find balance in your life and make sure you have time for yourself.
- 7. Consider hiring a professional carer, if you are unable to provide care to your loved one, they can help you with the care of your loved one.