- 1. Contact your local authority or council: Depending on where you live, your local authority or council will have a department that deals with social care assessments. Contact them to find out more about the process and how to request an assessment.
- 2. Speak to your GP: Your GP can also help you access an assessment. They can refer you to a community care assessment team or other relevant service.
- 3. Contact the National Health Service (NHS): The NHS also has teams that can carry out assessments, such as the Community Care Assessment Team.
- 4. Get in touch with the hospital: If the person you care for has recently been discharged from the hospital, the hospital should be able to provide information on how to request an assessment.
- 5. Reach out to carer support organizations: Some organizations such as Carers UK, Age UK or other local Carer support organizations can help you navigate the process and provide you with information and guidance.